Water lily....

This is another one of the photos that really sparked my interest in photography...

Water Lily from the Biltmore Estate, Ashville, NC - Cousin's Trip 2008

Ava and Max...

Grace and Ava came to visit yesterday...  Here are some snapshots of Ava and Max playing...

Max giving Ava some sugar....

I think she's about to pounce!

Or, maybe not....

... and now they're friends!

The child is ticklish, just like her Momma!

An afternoon visitor....

When the devastating flood hit, this little guy made his way to the lakes edge near my parent's house...

He was not frightened by me at all.  I would inch closer and closer and finally captured this great shot... 
I hope he survived the following days....

Happy Fathers Day...

These pictures have been taken over the years of my Daddy... Happy Father's Day Pop! 

One of his favorite hobbies... Go Titans!!!!

The Grill Master!!!!

Oh my!!!!  This is a blast from the past...  Nice hair Dad!

Oh how he loves his Grand-Dog

... and his wife.....

... and his daughter. 

Happy Father's Day to the best Daddy a girl could ask for! 
Love you very much!

Natures Beauty....

I cut some hydrangeas to put in my office and I couldn't help but snap a few pics...

How pretty....

Tates Lane....

I took some shots of Tates Lane in Mount Juliet.  For those of you that are from there, you know how narrow and curvy this little cut through is. 

I can't even begin to tell you how ridiculous I'm sure that I appeared to the cows in the fields that lined the roadway.  I'd park, jump out of my car (hoping and praying that no other cars would come around the corners) and snap a few shots. 

To my surprise, even though I was a bit spastic while shooting, these turned out pretty good!

This is the raw photo, with no editing.

Playing with the monochrome option on my camera. 
( I think this is my favorite)

I love Sepia.  Really gives it an old fashioned look. 

"I don't know anybody's road who's been paved perfectly for them, there are no manuals, you don't know what life has in store for you."
~Drew Barrymore

Cumberland Mountain State Park

So we took out on an adventure to Cumberland Mountain State Park... I thought this was going to be some grand park with lots of photo ops.  Needless to say, we drove an hour and half to get there and stayed about 30 minutes and came home!  We should have went to Fall Creek Falls!

There is just something tranquil and relaxing about the sound of a waterfall, no matter how big or how small.

The beauty of a flower...

An afternoon at the farm...

One of my Dad's closest friends, Shirley has a farm just down the road from where I live.  I took advantage of this opportunity and got some great shots! 

One of the barns on his property...

Same barn, just with the silo included....

The sunset made for a magnificent sky that evening...

Birds of a feather, flock together...

These are some photos that I took at my paren'ts house.  They have this one little bird and she is BUSY! 

The first two photos are from about 2 months ago.  She had a nest built in one of my Mom's grassy things.  Only about 3 of the eggs from this brood made it, so before I could get pictures of the babies, they had already "flown the coop"...

Checking on her babies...

This next one was taken yesterday (June 6, 2010), she now has a nest in a fern on the porch.  She has gotten so used to me checking out the eggs that she isn't even scared of me anymore. 

These babies were very eager to have their picture taken!!!

Its a dogs life....

Before I had a dog, I never knew what a blessing he would be to my life. No matter what kind of day I've had, he's always there to cheer me up...

For those of you who don't already know my little mongrel... Meet Max!

I believe he's saying, "Darn you rain! I just want to chase some squirrels!"

What a face!

Oh Baby!!!

My oldest friend, Jamie, allowed me to take some pregnancy shots of her... She was a fantastic model (or victim, ha!)!

This is just as good a way as any....

... to document my newfound love of photography.

The photo above was taken a few years ago at the Biltmore Estate in Ashville, NC...  I think with this photo, my interest in photography really started.